Saturday, December 20, 2014

Efforts to digitally educate 6 lakh ASHA workers : Ravishankar

 Patna : Centre is working to make around 6 lakh 'ASHA' workers digitally educated and well connected for better healthcare of mother and new born children, Union Information Technology minister Ravishankar Prasad said today. Digitally educated ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) workers through better connectivity would be told to keep track of health of mother and new born child by reminding them of nutritional food intake and protection against diseases like anemia, Prasad said at a function of Gynaecologists. 

 The Union IT minister said as part of "Digital India" programme efforts were being made to digitally link around 2.50 lakh gram panchayats across the country for better health care among others. Under "India Newborn Action Plan (INAP)," launched in September this year, ASHA workers have been told to track mothers who have delivered new children in their surrounding and keep a chart of them and provide them timely suggestion about health care and nutritional needs, he said. He said there are 90 crore mobiles in the country at present which could be effectively used for efficient and faster delivery of information in health sector.


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